Overall, the comprehensive survey assessed engagement, alignment, and resilience among Colquitt Regional physicians. The engagement category measures the physician’s pride in the organization, intent to stay, willingness to recommend the hospital as a workplace, and overall workplace satisfaction. Alignment gauges the physician’s partnership and connection with leadership, shared vision of executing the hospital’s mission, sense that their input and feedback are valued, and their impact on goal setting and direction. Resilience measures the physician’s ability to both find meaning in their work and disconnect from work.
All three categories moved up in national ranking compared to 2022 scores, with engagement moving from the 87th percentile to the 95th percentile, alignment rising from the 88th percentile to the 95th percentile, and resilience increasing from the 91st percentile to the 94th percentile.
“We are proud to report this overwhelming positive feedback from our physicians,” said Colquitt Regional President and CEO Jim Matney. “Gathering their input and engaging with them is crucial, as it enables us to enhance our services and maintain a supportive environment where our healthcare professionals can thrive and deliver exceptional patient care.”
In the engagement category, Colquitt Regional scored 4.69 out of 5, reflecting the high level of commitment and dedication displayed by its medical staff. The hospital received a score of 4.63 out of 5 for alignment and 4.47 out of 5 for resilience, further highlighting that the physicians at Colquitt Regional feel they are unified and supported.
Physicians are also presented with questions regarding the following domains: department, leadership, organization, and staff. These include questions that address items such as satisfaction with various departments within the hospital, confidence in hospital leadership, sense of belonging within the organization, quality of care patients receive, and support received from leadership, among others.
Notably, all surveyed physicians rated highly their satisfaction with the patient care provided by the medical center (99 percent), their belief that different departments work well together at Colquitt Regional (97 percent) and their confidence that their patients feel cared for at the hospital (100 percent). 97 percent of physicians surveyed expressed favorable sentiments and conveyed their confidence in Colquitt Regional Medical Center’s future success.
Additionally, the survey showed that a large majority of physicians feel that that they receive the tools and resources needed to provide the best care for their patients (94 percent), that their work is meaningful (97 percent), and that they are treated with respect (96 percent).
“The results of this survey further confirm that our physicians not only feel valued, but that they also find joy in their work and that they value being a part of the Colquitt Regional family,” said Hospital Authority Chairman Richard E. Turner, Jr. “We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated group of doctors here in our health system.”
For more information on the results of the physician survey, please contact the Colquitt Regional marketing department at 229-890-3552.