Colquitt Regional Bringing Awareness to Sepsis During September

MOULTRIE, Ga. – September marks Sepsis Awareness Month and Colquitt Regional is committed to making a difference and bringing awareness to the condition.

Sepsis is the body’s overwhelming and life-threating response to infection, which can lead to tissue damage, organ failure and death. Because sepsis can not only be treated, but prevented, thousands of lives can be saved each year by simply raising awareness of its symptoms. In 2014, Sepsis Alliance, the nation’s leading sepsis patient advocacy non-profit, designated September as Sepsis Awareness Month to draw attention to this treatable condition that takes more than 270,000 lives each year in the U.S., according to the CDC.

“This year, our theme for the month is “Know Sepsis,” said Colquitt Regional President and CEO Jim Matney. “Over the past few years, Colquitt Regional has made tremendous efforts to inform the public about sepsis and the warning signs to look out for that indicate you or a loved one could be suffering from this condition. Sepsis can be prevented if individuals know what they are looking for and speak up to a healthcare provider when there is suspicion that it is present.”

Symptoms of sepsis may include shivering and fever, extreme pain, accelerated heartbeat, sleepy and difficult to rouse, skin pale or discolored, or shortness of breath. If it is suspected that someone may have sepsis, see a medical professional immediately, call 911, or seek medical care and explicitly state that sepsis is a concern.

While anyone can be affected by this condition, it is most commonly found in young children, older adults, people with chronic illnesses, and those with weakened immune systems.

To help avoid sepsis, Colquitt Regional adheres to and promotes the TIME method: T – temperature (higher or lower than normal), I – infection (may have signs or symptoms of an infection), M – mental decline (confused, sleepy, difficult to rouse), E – extremely ill (severe pain, discomfort, shortness of breath). 

“Each year, over 1.7 million people are diagnosed with sepsis,” said Colquitt Regional Chief Medical Officer Michael Brown, MD, MBA, FCCP. “As an organization, we are committed to ensuring our hospital is providing the best quality of care for sepsis management. That includes educating our community. Early recognition and treatment is critical, so if you or a loved one suspect sepsis, please contact your healthcare provider immediately.”

For more information on sepsis, please visit or call the Colquitt Regional physician referral line at 229-891-9326.
